Cyber Security Solutions
In today’s connected world, industrial companies are continually facing Cyber Security challenges and the need to protect critical equipment. TMMI is here to help you navigate through the challenges and guide you through the benefits and processes of industrial cyber security. As facilities rely more and more on connected equipment or systems, it is critical to secure your networks and digital infrastructure.
TMMI offers personalized assessments and services that provide a more well-rounded analysis of your use-case to take proactive steps toward securing your critical infrastructure to help you better understand your operational industrial cyber security needs. Our specialists can recommend solutions that combine ease-of-use and security to allow you to get the most of your connected equipment and data-driven processes.
Best-of-breed threat protection for corporate IT environments
Industrial Zone
The Industrial Zone includes the digital control elements like PLCs and RPUs that convert IP communication to serial commands.
Site Operations
Site Operations is where OT systems share data with IT systems. Firewall appliances are frequently deployed here for top-rated protection and segmentation, providing visibility and control.
Industrial DMZ
The IDMZ enables secure connect networks with different security requirements. Allows businesses to manage against known and unknown threats.
Enterprise Zone
The enterprise zone typically sits at the corporate level and spans multiple facilities, locations, or plants where the business systems work to perform tasks such as scheduling, logistics, and supply chain management.
Internet/WAN Zone
The Internet/WAN Zone delivers access to cloud-based services for compute and analytics to support ERP and MRP systems for an operational environment.
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